L02-3 Contiroll (745) Hotmelt Technology

Item number: L02

Partner: KRONES AG - Academy

Orderable 🛈

Price on request


Descrizione prodotto





  • Machine functions
  • Pneumatic system and electrical components
  • Tasks prior to, during and after production
    • Control elements, touch-screen, troubleshooting
  • Change-over
  • Adjustment work
    • Container passage
    • Brushing-on and rolling-on unit
    • Reel holder, automatic label reel splicing
    • Label film buffer, label film guider
    • Feed roller, cutting unit, gluing unit
    • Vacuum gripper cylinder
    • Label parameters
  • Lubrication and maintenance
  • Label, container, and glue quality

Course objective:

Lower maintenance costs, more efficient change-over: This course will show you how to achieve these objectives. In four days, you will obtain all knowledge that you need to keep the Contiroll in operation in the best possible manner and to maintain it optimally. The practical part on our training machine provides the opportunity to test and exercise the new methods.

Consegna in 24 ore

Effettuando un ordine entro le 14:00 e selezionando la consegna in 24 ore i prodotti verranno inviati il giorno stesso. Basta scegliere i prodotti con il simbolo 24 h.

Tenere presente che in questo caso vengono calcolate spese aggiuntive.

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