润滑脂 KRONES celerol L 7003 25kg 密封的铁皮容器

润滑脂 KRONES celerol L 7003 25kg 密封的铁皮容器

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Rolling bearing grease for the main applications at Contiform, belt lubrication at Linatronic and Ecopusher at Checkmat. This lubricating grease has been tested on and approved for Krones machines.


  • ID-no. 30-09
  • NSF-H1 lubricant
  • Specially developed for Krones
  • Approved for central lubrication systems
  • Special adhesion promoter prevents it from being thrown off during fast movements (Krones Contiform)
  • Shelf life: 36 months
  • Packaging sizes: 90-g-Tube, 500-g-Cartridge, 25-kg-Hobbock, 180-kg-Drum


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