Gernep Rollina 12 640H

Número de artigo: EC10-24231M

Cocontratante: ecomac Gebrauchtmaschinen

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Descrição do produto

ecomac Gebrauchtmaschinen GmbH offers an used labelling machine from GERNEP. The machine was built in 2006 and is appropriate for labelling of PET bottles with pre cutted paper label for wraparound. The gluing is with hot glue. In the scope are 3 sets of retrofit included. 

Further details are on request or in our specification.

Output range 3.000 till 14.000 bottles/h
Equipment pre-cutted wraparound label on PET bottle
Accessories Blowing on conveyor
  Label check Heuft Basic with pusher
Gluing unit Robatech Concept KTC12
With Low gluing height
  Tooth belt bottle table for turning bottles
  Height adjustment for machine upper part
  Full safety - hingesd doors

Detalhes do produto

ECOMAC standard classification

  • Power: 10000
  • Type: Rollina
  • Model: 12 640H
  • Manufacturer: Gernep
  • Year: 2006
  • Equipment: Rundumetikett von der Rolle
  • Availability: sofort
  • Feed: Standard
  • Movement direction: R-L
  • Location:Town: Tarp
  • Location:Country: Deutschland

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Título Formato Tamanho Data
10-24231 Spezifikation deutsch 758.2 kB 15 de novembro de 2024
10-24231 specification english 758.3 kB 15 de novembro de 2024

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