Hotmelt technology Contiroll: Expert Training (for Contiroll 745)

Numero articolo: L14

Partner contrattuale: KRONES AG - Academy

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Descrizione prodotto


Suitable for the following machine types:

Contiroll 745


Basic knowledge in general mechanics and labelling technology


  • Repair work and adjustment in practice: Rolling-on station, rotary plate, container centring unit, gluing unit, cutting unit, vacuum-grip cylinder, label web buffer, label feed roller
  • Inspection of the main assemblies
  • Routine maintenance and lubrication work
  • Working with the special tools

Course objective:

Less downtime, less malfunctions, longer service life – this training will show you how to increase the productivity of the labeller on a sustained basis. You will learn how to quickly restore the machine to an operational condition in the even of a failure and how to perform preventive maintenance. A training machine and special training modules provide you the opportunity to test and practice the new methods with the support of the trainer.

Consegna in 24 ore

Effettuando un ordine entro le 14:00 e selezionando la consegna in 24 ore i prodotti verranno inviati il giorno stesso. Basta scegliere i prodotti con il simbolo 24 h.

Tenere presente che in questo caso vengono calcolate spese aggiuntive.

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Pacchetto di scorte di magazzino

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I miei upgrade

I miei upgrade

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Tutorial e webinar

Tutorial e webinar

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  • 角度
  • 链轮
  • 针式轴承 NKIA5906 30x47x23
  • 轴承座 PASE N 25x36,5x31
  • 针式轴承 RNA4903 2RS-XL 22x30x13
  • 密封垫圈 无连接片 550x660x2
  • 角编码器
  • 压力调节阀
  • 转向滚轮
  • 支撑垫片 S 40x50x2,5 A2 DIN988
  • 链轮
  • 链轮
  • O 形环 82x3 HNBR 70SH ISO3601-1
  • 软管
  • 部件
  • 槽形密封圈 RS01A 62x72x7 PUR
  • 螺纹销
  • O 形环 204x3 EPDM 过氧化物 70SH
  • O 形环 127x3 EPDM 过氧化物 70SH
  • 维护单元
  • O 形环
  • 连接器
  • 齿形皮带轮/齿盘
  • 连接电缆
  • 外部振动器 0,035kW
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