EvoGuard Valves

Número de artigo: B09

Cocontratante: KRONES AG - Academy

Em estoque 🛈

Descrição do produto





  • Method of operation of the individual valves (using models)
  • Process engineering basics
  • Pneumatic components
  • Disassembling and assembling individual valves using training components
  • PLC
  • Maintenance and service

Course objective:

On this course you will acquire a basic understanding of the process and control technology of the evoguard valves. You will learn everything necessary to overhaul and maintain the valves on your own – from replacing the seals and ordering spare parts to technical documentation. At the end of the course you feel quite at home in the world of valves: You will know which valve is suitable for which application. And you will be able to match the type of seal and seal material to the different applications.

Consegna in 24 ore

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Últimos vistos

  • Trilho De Deslizamento
  • Placa Distanciadora
  • Prato Porta-Garrafa
  • Prato Porta-Garrafa
  • Unha Do Cilindro De Pincas
  • Esfera
  • Fuso
  • Punho Estrelado
  • Anel em "O" 54x3mm Viton
  • ANEL EM "O"
  • Anel de vedação O-Ring 8x2,5
  • ANEL EM "O"
  • Disco Da Estrela
  • Pe
  • Mangueira
  • Tampão
  • Bico
  • Arruela 17,75x10,55x0,5 1.4404
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