P03-3 Contiform 3 - Maintenance

Numero articolo: P03

Partner contrattuale: KRONES AG - Academy

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Descrizione prodotto



You must have attended the course “Contiform – Basics” (P 02) or have similar experience on the machine


  • Overview of the individual components of the Contiform S8 including touch-screen
  • Practical adjustments on mould hangers, blowing/heating module, stretching unit, cams, etc.
  • Transfer synchronisation
  • Lubrication and maintenance

Course objective:

The objective of this seminar is trouble-free production with shorter downtimes. You will learn how to consequently prevent malfunctions by correctly adjusting the Contiform, thus permanently increasing the efficiency of the machine. For this purpose, you will be doing the settings on the training machine and learn to optimise it further. The topics “Identifying and eliminating mechanical malfunctions” round off your knowledge.

A current model of the Contiform 3 (zenOn 6.22) is available for the practical training units.

Consegna in 24 ore

Effettuando un ordine entro le 14:00 e selezionando la consegna in 24 ore i prodotti verranno inviati il giorno stesso. Basta scegliere i prodotti con il simbolo 24 h.

Tenere presente che in questo caso vengono calcolate spese aggiuntive.

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  • CORDA   NW600
  • Guarnizione delle piastre 260x115,2x0,35
  • 齿形皮带
  • 光电管
  • 电磁阀
  • 皮带轮
  • 皮带轮
  • 磨损套件
  • 导向装置滚轮
  • O 形环
  • O 形环
  • O 形环
  • 重力-冲罐机
  • 重力-冲罐机
  • 重力-冲罐机
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  • 滑动轴承
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  • 球-清洁装置
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