Cold-glue technology: basics, maintenance, adjusting work (table machine)

N° artículo: L17

Parte contratante: KRONES AG - Academy

Disponible 🛈

Descrizione prodotto





  • Machine functions
  • Mechanical and electrical components
  • Tasks prior to, during and after production
  • Control elements, touch-screen
  • Malfunctions and troubleshooting
  • Glue, label and container quality
  • Converting handling parts
  • Adjustments and practical work (70 % of the course duration)
    • From container infeed to machine discharge
    • From label magazine to label transfer to the containers
    • Glue roller, glue scraper and pallet carrousel
    • Brushing-on and rolling-on unit
  • Maintenance work

Course objective:

A malfunction occurs – what now? This seminar provides you with tried-and-true strategies with which you can quickly put the machine back on course. Here you'll become familiar with effective methods for specifically locating and effectively eliminating malfunction causes. Then long downtimes and problems with product quality will be a thing of the past. And so that you can apply what you've learned immediately at your plant, a large part of the seminars consists of practical exercises.

Consegna in 24 ore

Effettuando un ordine entro le 14:00 e selezionando la consegna in 24 ore i prodotti verranno inviati il giorno stesso. Basta scegliere i prodotti con il simbolo 24 h.

Tenere presente che in questo caso vengono calcolate spese aggiuntive.

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Ultimi articoli visti

  • Vite a testa esagonale M10x45 A2 70
  • Appar.di raffreddamento 230V 350W
  • Anello di tenuta G DN80 EPDM DIN11851
  • MANOMETRO MA-50-2,5-G1/4-E-RG-K-SA
  • Guarnizione O-ring 17x3 FPM
  • Interr. prot. trasformat. 2,5-4A 3p
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