От технологических процессов до упаковочных технологий – Krones.shop - это глобальная платформа запасных частей и сервиса для пищевой промышленности и производства напитков.

  • 10 лет Krones.shop

    10 лет Krones.shop

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    Чтобы сделать Krones.shop еще лучше,
    мы постоянно совершенствуем также
    наши цифровые сервисы.

    По случаю нашего 10-летнего юбилея мы
    хотим представить вам три особых сервиса.

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  • From Pellet to Pallet

    From Pellet to Pallet

    Krones Preform Systems

    Are you planning the production of preforms?
    Then request a Krones Preform System here
    without obligation – with Krones Prefero machine
    and MHT tools.

    Узнайте больше
  • Request your personal package online

    Request your personal package online

    Stock-keeping Package

    Benefit from proactive stock keeping and request directly your personal recommendation. Simply log into your "My account" and select the option "Stock-keeping Package" in Lifecycle Service products.

    Узнайте больше


  • Регулировочная шайба 10x16x0,1 A2 DIN988
  • Фильтрующий элемент
  • Banda modular articulada
  • cadena transp. de acumulación
  • Disco de rueda dentada
  • Ventilador centrífugo
  • Mordaza
  • Banda modular articulada
  • Intercambiador de calor

Последние просмотренные

  • Junta de anillo G DN50 EPDM DIN11851
  • Rod.oscil. una hil.rodil. 20215T 75x130
  • Espárrago roscado M8x25 A2 DIN427
  • Tornillo de cab.cilínd. M10x100 A2 70
  • Espárrago allen M8x35 A2 DIN914
  • Espárrago allen M6x8 DIN915-ZnNi/T2/720h
  • Espárrago allen M6x16 A2 DIN916
  • Espárrago allen M8x10 A2 DIN916
  • Espárrago allen M8x25 DIN915
  • Espárrago allen M8x30 A2 DIN916
  • Pasador cilíndrico ISO 2338 3 m6x8 A2
  • Направляющее кольцо GP 84,9x88x3,9

Краткий обзор

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3D printer


Rapid Part On Demand


Возможность быстрого реагирования в случае отказа оборудования благодаря решению для 3D-печати.

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Продукты и услуги группы Krones 

Популярные категории

Krones.shop – The global platform for the beverage and liquid-food industry

The Krones.shop offers Krones spare parts from the fields of automation technology, process technology or sealing technology, third-party spare parts from the suppliers AETNA - ROBOPAC, M. Tanner, Zalkin and many more, as well as a wide range of services.
You can purchase these quickly, easily and directly via our digital platform.

After successful registration, an individual profile will be created for you, precisely tailored to your machinery and linked to the Krones eCat. It contains your personal machine documentation.
This means that you not only have access to all loaded machines, including parts lists, but you can also place spare parts in the shopping basket directly via the Krones eCat and complete your order.

Benefit from numerous advantages:

  • Range: In addition to over 6 million spare parts, upgrades, components, trainings, services and used machines are also available online
  • Clarity: Display of all orders placed and overview of their order status
  • Accessibility: Availability around the clock - 24/7
  • Effectiveness: Immediate price and availability information considering your customer data
  • Information: Useful additional information about quotes, upgrades and further recommendations
  • Optimized display: User-friendly usage of the Krones.shop across all devices
  • Individualisation: Quick and easy parts ordering with a profile personally tailored to your machine park
  • Integration: Krones eCat including images, parts lists and connection diagrams of your lines and machines
  • Multilingualism: Accessibility of the Krones.shop from more than 180 countries and in ten languages
  • High data security

More than 20,000 customers are already registered in the Krones.shop.
Register today and benefit from many advantages of the Krones.shop!

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