Labelling machine Krones Contiroll

产品编号: EC20-23848M

合同伙伴: ecomac Gebrauchtmaschinen

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Descrizione prodotto

ecomac Gebrauchtmaschinen GmbH offers an used labelling machine for wrap around labels (OPP).
The Krones Contiroll 960-20 from year 2004 is equipped for labelling of PET bottles with a wrap around label.
A label control is in the scope included.

Further details are listed below:

Output range 7.500 till 34.000 bottles/h
Pitch 125,6 mm
Equipment Wrap around label from a role
Accessories Bottle table with requency controlled drives for turning bottles 
  Central lubrication
  Bottle counter
  Label control Krones Checkmat for existing label and control of coding
Station 1 Contiroll-station 2-3-340 for wrap around label - hot glue
Machine safety Full safety with hinged doors 
Operating With touch -  language german 
Voltage 400 V - 50 Hz
Control cabinet Separate located
Control unit Siemens S7 300

Dettagli prodotto

ECOMAC standard classification

  • Power: 30000
  • Type: Contiroll
  • Model: 960-24
  • Manufacturer: Krones
  • Year: 2004
  • Equipment: PET Flaschen mit Rundumetikett von der Rolle
  • Availability: Sofort
  • Feed: Parallel
  • Type of current: 400V 50Hz
  • Movement direction: L-R
  • Control: Siemens S7
  • Additional information: mit Servotisch
  • Location:Town: Neutraubling
  • Location:Country: Deutschland


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名称 格式 大小 日期
EC20-23848M Spezifikation DE 978.0 kB 2024年8月28日
EC20-23848M specification EN 978.1 kB 2024年8月28日

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