E02-2 Contiform – Electrical Components

Numero articolo: E02

Partner contrattuale: KRONES AG - Academy

Disponibile 🛈




Basic knowledge of stretch-blow moulders


  • Reading the KRONES wiring diagram
  • Overview of the bus structure
  • AS-i bus: Basics
  • zenOn visualisation system
  • Diagnostics and replacement of components, data backup
  • AS-i Safety at Work (machine-specific)
  • Powerlink
  • Profinet & Profibus
  • Heating controller HC-Net
  • Troubleshooting
  • Danfoss
  • Servo and linear motors

Course objective:

How can malfunctions on the Contiform be quickly eliminated? This course will tell you. You will be provided with valuable knowledge on the connection diagram and the various components of the machine. To enable you to react quickly and systematically in your daily production routine, various malfunctions will be simulated and eliminated during the hands-on section.

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