Sensometic VPI/VPL and Modulfill HES/HEL fillers – filler mechanical components

Numero articolo: F07

Partner contrattuale: KRONES AG - Academy

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Descrizione prodotto


Experience with the machine is an advantage, but not absolutely necessary.


  • Construction and method of operation of the filler
  • Troubleshooting on the filling valve
  • Piping and instrumentation diagrams
  • Operating and cleaning programmes
  • Control and visualisation on the touch-screen
  • Pneumatic components
  • Cleaning, lubricating, and maintaining the machine
  • Maintenance of the most important assemblies

Course objective:

In four days, you will become familiar with the construction and the method of operation of the filler. After the course, you will be able to overhaul a filling valve on your own and maintain the most important assemblies. You will know how to systematically spot malfunctions and you will be familiar with maintaining and lubricating the machine

Consegna in 24 ore

Effettuando un ordine entro le 14:00 e selezionando la consegna in 24 ore i prodotti verranno inviati il giorno stesso. Basta scegliere i prodotti con il simbolo 24 h.

Tenere presente che in questo caso vengono calcolate spese aggiuntive.

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  • Rivetto cieco ISO 15983 A 3,2x8 A2 A2
  • Spina cilindrica ISO 8734 4 h6x45 A2
  • Spina cilindrica ISO 8734 4 h6x24 A2
  • Cartuccia di riscald. 230V 200W
  • ANELLO DI TENUTA 13x18x2 mm CU
  • Arm.elettrico di distrib. 800x1200x600mm
  • Anello di tenuta Glyd Ring PG 59,5x67
  • Fibra ottica 2m Kunststoff
  • Sistema di posizionamento 0,035kW 5Nm
  • Tappo GPN710G2 D=59,61
  • MEMORIA HiPace 80 KVB001
  • Vite a testa esagonale M4x45 A2 70
  • Anello di tenuta TVM 90x100,5x7,1 PTFE
  • V. a sede asettica SA DN040 10 NO P
  • Piastra di base D=149 H=31 150000N
  • V. a doppia sede ML DN040050 1368 E EX
  • Albero articolato D=150 L1=1965 L2=2025
  • Fibra ottica 2m Kunststoff
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