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Modular Service Agreement Performance –
a continuous, data-driven coaching

Do you have the feeling that you are not getting the most out of your production data?

Then the Krones Digital Service Center is at your side.
A permanent contact person at Krones will analyze the recorded production data with you, interpret relevant KPIs, and suggest possible measures.
The basis for this coaching is a Connected Line and the use of Krones' IIoT platform Share2Act.

Together we identify the cause and take the right measures.

Our goal is:

  • Measurable optimization of overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) for long-term improvement of line performance
  • Reduction of costs through efficient production planning

Available services at a glance:

  • Monthly meetings on the line data
  • Assigned project manager for the entire term
  • Data-based analysis and overall observation
  • Joint development of recommended actions