Contipure AseptBloc DN – mechanical basics

产品编号: POT6

合同伙伴: KRONES AG - Academy

可订购 🛈




Necessary prior knowledge:

Contipure AseptBloc DN – basics of operation

Modules & Topics:

Get together, safety instructions, controlled clamps

  • Safety instructions
  • Safeties/interlocks/media
  • Parts of the controlled clamps and special tools

Controlled clamps Centering of the stretch rod

  • Adjusting the gap of the controlled clamps
  • Adjusting the height of the controlled clamps
  • Centering the stretch rod

Height of the blowing nozzle and pneumatic leakage check

  • Adjusting the height of the blowing nozzle
  • Correct disassembling of the blowing nozzle
  • Blowing station diagnostics
  • Cleaning of the pistons

Timing and synchronizing the transfer

  • How to check the timing
  • How to optimize the timing
  • Mechanical and electrical tools

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Últimos vistos

  • Handrad GN522.8-160-B14-D
  • Kombirolle Typ 4.053
  • Pino cilíndrico ISO 8734 4 h6x24 A2
  • Anel em "O" 30x1,5 FKM
  • Perfil 30x30
  • Conexão roscada de tubo 4 R1/8" Niro
  • Servomotor 1,7 Nm
  • Esteira com elos LF2250-1700FTP2 B= 1700
  • Rolo de suporte
  • Servomotor 23,6 Nm
  • Mangueira TPU-6x4x1-BL RAL 5013
  • Cartucho de graxa Unirex N3 400g
  • Anel de vedação DVE 191x210x6,1 PTFE
  • Base articulada XH 65-16-222/256 c/borr.
  • Válvula de assento S DN065 130 NC F
  • V. reguladora R DN100 KV160 10 NC E
  • Válvula de assento S DN065 130 NC E
  • Punho em T c/ rosca externa M10x60
  • Pino cilíndrico ISO 8734 3 m6x37 A2
  • Graxa Microlube GL 261 6g Bolsaselada
  • Pino/parafuso 16x32 St
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