(Número de material antiguo: 1573)

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Descrição do produto

Esta pieza de servicio de alta calidad es un producto original recomendado por el fabricante Terboven y utilizado en aplicaciones de inyección de nitrógeno.

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With a partial delivery, we will send you the available products within a few days. Just select the products that you want to have immediately.
Please note that for this option you will be charged additional shipment costs.

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Pacote de armazenamento

Pacote de armazenamento

Minimize os tempos de inatividade com um pacote de manutenção de estoque personalizado

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Последние просмотренные

  • Rolam. de rolos cônicos 30304 J2 20x52
  • Rolam. de contato angular 7012C 60x95x18
  • Porca sextavada DIN 934 M8 St-Zn 8
  • Arruela 17x40x6 A2 DIN7349
  • TUBO
  • CABO
  • Rolo de suporte KRL EL= 165
  • Anel em "O" 75x3 FKM 80SH
  • ANEL EM "O"
  • Bucha c/,L=40
  • Anel em "O" 27x2 MVQ 70SH
  • O-ring 32x2 MVQ 70SH
  • Switch H-O-1, 1 phase U1/8ZM
  • COCK / TAP
  • Installation kit for adjusting the
  • Oil KRONES celerol FL 7216 5l Canister
  • Grease KRONES celerol LU 7612 120ml
  • O-RING  162,00X 4,00
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