Gut geschulte Mitarbeiter machen den Unterschied.
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Krones Akademie
Gut geschulte Mitarbeiter machen den Unterschied.
Stöbern Sie in unserer Kursliste und fragen Sie gleich online an
oder informieren Sie sich über die Möglichkeit für ein
individuelles Trainingskonzept.
At the Krones Academy, not only service technicians and site managers receive further training and are kept up to date with the latest technology, but we also offer customers a diverse range of courses, from operating, maintenance and servicing to management training. In addition to the KRONES Academy headquarters in Neutraubling, there are training centres on various continents. Depending on the subject area, you can attend directly at one of our training centres or online via our virtual classroom. The aim is to convey the training content to you as closely and practically as possible in your region and your national language. In addition, we offer supporting hardware such as training racks, notebooks and the Digital Krones Academy. 面向商业客户。 货品的价格及供货情况在完成注册后才可显示。